selected works
Mixed Media with human teeth and audio

The Bank, a long standing institution of ownership, commerce, and exploitation was the site for a group exhibition, each artist exploring the bank as thematic reference.
Untitled Auction, The Bank draws reference to the role of the human body as commodity in the historical exchange of money and property. In the on-site installation, each of the teller lights blink and beckon the visitor to approach the carnival like soundscape and auction site to inspect the goods. A red carpet leads the viewer to the auction crate where 'X' marks the spot of exchangeable property. Inside the teller stalls, piles of human teeth rest as if awaiting the commencement of business, recalling the various methods of ‘appraising’ the value of slaves.

The Bank, a long standing institution of ownership, commerce, and exploitation was the site for a group exhibition, each artist exploring the bank as thematic reference.
Untitled Auction, The Bank draws reference to the role of the human body as commodity in the historical exchange of money and property. In the on-site installation, each of the teller lights blink and beckon the visitor to approach the carnival like soundscape and auction site to inspect the goods. A red carpet leads the viewer to the auction crate where 'X' marks the spot of exchangeable property. Inside the teller stalls, piles of human teeth rest as if awaiting the commencement of business, recalling the various methods of ‘appraising’ the value of slaves.