selected works
Audio installation
Hidden audio components

When passing through an unassuming location in the exhibition space, a visitor may encounter an unexpected sensory groove, an enveloping sonice space. This perceptual experience is composed of two audio signals that are essentially inaudible to human ears, and are rather perceived and felt by the entire body. The audio, while 'silent' is still nonetheless localized such that it can only be perceived when passing through the groove.
The effect is unexpected and momentarily disorienting with its invasive patters of 'sound'. A lingering visitor will experience subtly changes in pattern over time. Subjects may question their own perceptual experience as the persistence of paranoia strikes the mind through body.

When passing through an unassuming location in the exhibition space, a visitor may encounter an unexpected sensory groove, an enveloping sonice space. This perceptual experience is composed of two audio signals that are essentially inaudible to human ears, and are rather perceived and felt by the entire body. The audio, while 'silent' is still nonetheless localized such that it can only be perceived when passing through the groove.
The effect is unexpected and momentarily disorienting with its invasive patters of 'sound'. A lingering visitor will experience subtly changes in pattern over time. Subjects may question their own perceptual experience as the persistence of paranoia strikes the mind through body.